24 hour Postural Care Diet

We can offer this unique holistic person-centered approach that is a gentle, non-invasive way to promote health and quality of life for clients with neurological conditions including brain injuries and/or with complex physical needs.

The process of assessment begins with developing understanding of a person’s postural needs, lifestyle, emotional state, family dynamics and skill sets of care givers.

A detailed assessment of a person’s postural needs, in both sitting and lying positions, can help inform prescription of appropriate positioning aid that can help manage muscle tone, reduce pain, ease physical care, improve sitting posture and tolerance, and help people sleep better.

24 hr postural program includes detailed assessment, prescription, provision and training around:

  • Corrective seating in wheelchair and comfy seating
  • Walking and standing aids
  • Use of functional orthotics and static/nighttime splints
  • Nighttime positioning equipment (example sleep system)
  • Use of correct moving and handling equipment
  • Consideration around pain mapping management and temperature control
  • Providing detailed postural management and specialist seating reports with recommendations and action plans.
  • Advice and recommendations around equipment include specialist wheelchair and comfy seating, nighttime positioning aids, standing aids, use of cushions for wheelchair
  • Joint working between equipment users, family and carers, specialist equipment providers, funders and client’s own therapists
  • Support in acquiring appropriate wheelchair seating and posture management equipment
  • Risk assessments around use and care of prescribed equipment
  • Coordination of reviews to ensure, comfort and suitability of equipment (to help optimise potential of restoration and rehabilitation)
  • Training for the person’s circle of support so that equipment continues to be used effectively and safely, and taking account of mental capacity, restraint and deprivation of liberty
  • Able to provide qualified level 2 training via Open College Network to case managers carers and families

Following markers can be used to determine success of 24-hour postural care:

  1. Achieving person-centered  goals around improvements in quality of life
  2. Reduce long term health complications such as respiratory, and gastrointestinal problems which can lead to premature death
  3. Equipment that can meet the client’s needs long term and reduce the overall burden of cost through reassessment, and prescriptions of expensive equipment
  4. Reported decrease in pain, better sleep pattern, progress in active rehabilitation, ease around personal care, positive changes to behaviour.
  5. Reduced number of repeated hospital admissions
  6. Postural care prescription that supports rehabilitation and is restorative in nature example spasticity management, use of supportive equipment
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